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Centurion Spotlight: Coach Farrad Mclaughlin

Coach Mclaughlin
Coach Mclaughlin

Get to know our first year, Men's Basketball head coach, Farrad Mclaughlin.

1. What are your core values as a coach?

Never waste an opportunity to get better as a person, student, and athlete. Live in the moment, NOW=No.Oppounity.Wasted

2. What are your goals for this season or the upcoming season?

Goals for the season include, improving throughout the season. Winning our conference Championship. Giving my students athletes the best chance to get recruited and finishing their education at 4 year Universities.

3. What are you most looking forward to in the current or upcoming season as a Bucks County Community College coach?

I am looking forward to watching my young men grow up, and making life long memories with my student athletes.

4.What are your academic expectations for the team?

My, academic expeditions for the team is that each guys gives there best effort in the classroom, and make dessert that align with there long term goals.

5.Thinking back through your experiences, what advice can you give a student-athlete that will assist them succeed in the classroom?

Always advocate for your self, and seek resources outside of the classroom. i.e. office hours tutoring, study hall, etc.

6. What has been your greatest satisfaction so far in your coaching career at Bucks?

My greatest satisfaction is some of my players being able to play for the first time in a long time, after overcoming Adversity, cause from the pandemic and other factors outside of control

7. Define what you personally consider a successful season of coaching.

A successful season is a completed season where we made improvements and become closer as a team

8. Advice you can give a prospective recruit looking to play for your team?

Approach everyday like it's the championship game.

9. Who is your favorite sports figure and why?

My favorite sports figure is John Chaney and Coach Jay Wright. They were both able to use their resourcefulness to build great basketball program. They have also been mentors to many young men. Using basketball to teach life lessons.