Athletic Training

Training Room

The Bucks County Community College Athletics Department athletic trainers strives to provide athletic training health care services to student-athletes who participate in Bucks' USCAA athletic teams as well as offical club teams. We strive to prevent injuries, provide quality medical care in a timely manner, coordinate appropriate referrals to specialists, and to protect and return the rehabilitated student-athlete to sport participation as safely and quickly as possible. It is the goal of the athletic trainers to administer its responsibilities with professional skills and thoughtful, thorough, compassionate care. Through this goal, we work with the administrators, coaches, and other college community members to make athletics an integral part of the college experience.

Newtown Campus Gymnasium, Gym 102

Training Room Guidelines:

  • Must sign-in for treatment (including ice & band aids)
  • Do not leave personal items in the room (department is not responsible)
  • No inappropriate language
  • Facility is not a hangout or social space
  • Treatment is first come first serve basis (sign in)
  • Room will be locked unless it is during office hours

Health and Safety Policies and Procedures

Athletic Trainer

Joey Lopez, Head Athletic Trainer

Current Office Hours:

Spring 2025  Start End 
Monday 1:30PM 6:00PM
Tuesday 1:30PM 6:00PM
Wednesday 1:30PM 6:00PM
Thursday 1:30PM 6:00PM
Friday 10:00AM 12:00PM

   * There will not be office hours on game days. If you need treatment, you must attend before/during the event.
   * Last treatment is 15 minutes before the end time.

The athletic trainer will be at the the game/match one (1) hour prior

The athletic trainer has office hours for rehab and treatment. The trainer may not always be available for treatment after practice, so check with the athletic trainer before.

Local Hospital

St. Mary Medical Center
1201 Langhorne-Newtown Road
Langhorne, PA 19047
Phone: (215) 710-2000


Atheltic Trainer FAQ

What if I get injured while participating in intercollegiate sports?
For non-emergencies, please contact the athletic trainers to inform them of the injury. Your athletic trainer will begin your treatment and/or refer you to appropriate medical care. Bucks Athletic Trainers work with various physicians and specialists for a variety of conditions. We will provide you with suggestions, but ultimately you may see the physician of your choosing.

If you need medical care that results in medical expenses, Bucks does provide an excess insurance policy to help defray the cost of medical care but only after your primary insurance covers their portion (athlete must have primary insurance). Medical bills are submitted to the student-athlete’s primary insurance carrier (personal or parents/guardians) first. The College athletic accident insurance is an excess policy and takes effect after bills have been considered by your primary insurance carrier. Please be aware that Bucks does not pay for any athlete medical expenses. The athlete's primary insurance and excess insurance coordinate to pay appropriate injury medical expenses.  Any remaining expenses become the responsibility to the athlete and their parents/guardians.

If you are injured during an official athletic practice or contest in which a coach is present and are referred to a physician or emergency room for further care, please contact Head Athletic Trainer  at  to assist you with the claims process. The insurance company requires an insurance claim form to be completed within 90 days of the date of injury.

Athletic excess insurance is provided for you free of charge but is limited to injuries that result directly from participation in athletics. Coverage by this policy is limited to athletic injuries occurring during official practices, competitions, and travel to and from competitions.  The excess insurance does not cover illnesses, skin infections, training on your own, or captain lead practices, nor does it cover overuse injuries or non-athletic related injuries.